6 februari 2011

Snow art

Here is an interesting picture of snow art. It is a drawing on a snowy cars windows. And it illustrates driver,  back seat passenger and of course the trunks content.

What would you think if:

You are coming back at your car seeing this?

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Haha, that will totally not attract any cops ;)

  2. I'd clean the windows.
    Then I'd write in the rear window "No fun allowed"

  3. Great, I'll remember this for when its snowing!

  4. Why is the driver in the right side. Is it a british car?

  5. If i see this ill laugh for 5 minutes.

  6. I'd lmao if someone would do this to my car. You can't be mad at something like this. xD

  7. Makes me wonder how much of this happened during that recent huge blizzard that hit usa.. o_o

  8. Someone has done this to all the windows of my car before... I lol'd.

  9. i'd add another hand to the driver with a beer in it :D
