5 februari 2011

The Body-Laptop Wooly Jumper

About creating you're own work space.... yeah right!
This is the body-laptop wooly jumper.Providing you a warm personal workspace..
With this tunnel effect you won't get distracted, beside it's warm and probably itching like a ... wooly jumper

Here are some other's called Scarf???

15 opmerkingen:

  1. That is HILARIOUS! I'm dying over here!

  2. Lol, you're gonna get some with an outfit like that!

  3. lol, wtf? i would like to try one of them though

  4. haha, you can't possibly use that one in public!

  5. While it does look like it would keep you warm, it seems a tad dangerous to use in public. I really want to know what was going through the mind of the person who created this.

  6. that is some HO Business; i see anyone with this? ill have to take up robbery; just for their own good

  7. If I saw someone with that on the street, I'd probably set them on fire :L

  8. Yeah, I see how would look using it in public :D

  9. I...actually bought one of these so I could get a clear picture when the suns out.

  10. Haha you definitely wouldn't get distracted.
